

task 2 Task3 turnpoints

Again very humid airmass with low cloudbase and early congestus and thunderstorms. To spread the field after the start, a waypoint towards Trübsee and back had to be taken twice before the race did lead to Führenalp, Titlis, Stanserhorn and back to Engelberg.

Provisorische Rangliste:
- Task 3 female prov 2
- Task 3 overall prov 2
- Task 3 sport prov 2
- Task 3 Sui prov

NEW: Competion Overall prov - 3 Tasks

- Competition female prov 5
- Competition overall 4
- Competition sport prov 4
- Competition sui prov 4

- Task 2 female final 2
- Task 2 overall final 2
- Task 2 sport final 2
- Task 2 sui final

- Photos